About the London Latvian Choir / Par Londonas Latviešu kori

Londonas latviešu kori dibināja latviešu komponists un diriģents Alberts Jērums, 1948. gada augustā. Kopš dibināšanas, Londonas latviešu koris piedzīvojis labus laikus, piedaloties visās Anglijas un Eiropas latviešu Dziesmu dienās, 5. Latviešu Dziesmu svētkos Kanādā, Toronto, 1970. gadā, PBLA Dziesmu svētkos Visbijā, Gotlandē 1979. gadā un Latvijas XX Dziesmu un Deju svētkos, 1990. gadā; dziedājis gandrīz visos Londonā rīkotos 18. novembŗa svētku sarīkojumos un pārstāvējis latviešus nesaskaitāmos starptautiskos saietos. Ziedu laikos koŗa sastāvā ir dziedājuši vairāk nekā 70 koristu.
Tagadējās koŗa rindās ir galvenokārt jaunāko paaudžu pārstāvji, cilvēki, kas dzimuši un auguši Latvijā – tāpat, kā pirms 60 gadiem. Koŗa dziedāšana tagad spēlē tikpat svarīgu lomu, kā tajos laikos, dodot jauniebraucējiem iespēju kopīgā darbā veidot saiknes ar citiem tautiešiem, uzturēt latviešu valodu un tradicijas un apstiprināt ticību savas tautas nākotnei. Kori vada trīs diriģenti: Lilija Zobens, viņas vīrs Lezlijs Īsts un meita Andra. Koris piedalījās Dziesmu un deju Svētkos Latvijā 2013. gadā.
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The London Latvian Choir is the oldest Latvian choir in the UK, having been founded by the Latvian composer and conductor Alberts Jērums in August 1948. Since then it has enjoyed a diverse and colourful life, participating in all of the Latvian Song festivals in England and Europe, in Canada in 1970 and Latvia in 1990. The choir has performed in nearly all the Latvian Independence day celebrations in London and has represented Latvia in numerous international events. At its peak, the choir had over 70 members.
The present members of the choir are predominantly representatives of the younger generation of Latvians, born and raised in Latvia – just like it was over 60 years ago. Choral singing is just as important to Latvians now as it was back then, giving Latvians living in the UK the opportunity, while working together, to develop relationships with other compatriots, to maintain the Latvian language and traditions, and confirm their faith in the future of the nation. Three members of one family conduct the choir: Lilija Zobens, her husband Leslie East and their daughter Andra. The choir took part in the Latvian Song Festival in Summer of 2013.
Tagadējās koŗa rindās ir galvenokārt jaunāko paaudžu pārstāvji, cilvēki, kas dzimuši un auguši Latvijā – tāpat, kā pirms 60 gadiem. Koŗa dziedāšana tagad spēlē tikpat svarīgu lomu, kā tajos laikos, dodot jauniebraucējiem iespēju kopīgā darbā veidot saiknes ar citiem tautiešiem, uzturēt latviešu valodu un tradicijas un apstiprināt ticību savas tautas nākotnei. Kori vada trīs diriģenti: Lilija Zobens, viņas vīrs Lezlijs Īsts un meita Andra. Koris piedalījās Dziesmu un deju Svētkos Latvijā 2013. gadā.
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The London Latvian Choir is the oldest Latvian choir in the UK, having been founded by the Latvian composer and conductor Alberts Jērums in August 1948. Since then it has enjoyed a diverse and colourful life, participating in all of the Latvian Song festivals in England and Europe, in Canada in 1970 and Latvia in 1990. The choir has performed in nearly all the Latvian Independence day celebrations in London and has represented Latvia in numerous international events. At its peak, the choir had over 70 members.
The present members of the choir are predominantly representatives of the younger generation of Latvians, born and raised in Latvia – just like it was over 60 years ago. Choral singing is just as important to Latvians now as it was back then, giving Latvians living in the UK the opportunity, while working together, to develop relationships with other compatriots, to maintain the Latvian language and traditions, and confirm their faith in the future of the nation. Three members of one family conduct the choir: Lilija Zobens, her husband Leslie East and their daughter Andra. The choir took part in the Latvian Song Festival in Summer of 2013.